83 Hamilton Drive, Suite 100
Novato, CA 94949

Mon - Fri, 8:30 AM to 5 PM

Let us bring your best ideas to life.

From concept to finished product, your project is a priority.

We are a premier, one-stop custom printshop that proudly serves the local area.

Combine mail and digital marketing.

Get the most out of your marketing efforts. Print and digital marketing are not at odds—each is a piece of a complete marketing picture. Landing pages, QR codes, and synchronized email campaigns are some of the tools Unicorn Group uses to get customers to your online store or donation page.

Printing and Mailing Solutions That Get Better Results

Unicorn Group has grown its customer base and product mix through the acquisition of local companies and is becoming a larger marketing services provider.  With more than 50 years experience and expertise, you receive professional print-mail solutions that get better results, plus we will help you integrate print with digital marketing techniques. We would be happy to meet to discuss how best to create and implement your marketing goals based on our core strengths in design, printing, presorted low-cost direct mail, mail list selection and refinement, and fulfillment.

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Since people trust other people more than they do other businesses, if you want to gain customers, you must humanize and personalize your brand.

There are ways to make copywriting a priority and save money at the same time—boost your own expertise. Here are sure-fire ways to improve your copywriting skills.

While you may be making a list of personal resolutions you’d like to achieve, it’s important that you don’t forget about your marketing efforts!

Though we can never know what will come in the year ahead, there are ways to prepare for 2025. Here’s how to set your business up for success in the new year.

This holiday season, get your business in on the action by giving back to charitable efforts in your community.